You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. There are many factors that affect energy production in the human body, especially the production of psychic energy.
This will directly influence our quality of life, our mood, relationship skills and creation, for example. . Depending on our level of mental energy, innate potential may or may not manifest itself.
Lack of energy can block talent and stimulate self-destructive behavior. All this is clearly a reaction to the problems of today, where the incidence of disorders such as depression and anxiety, abuse or addiction to alcohol and other drugs, violence and extreme imbalance which lead to physical and emotional stress are increasing.
These conditions clearly originate from energetic dysfunctions of the psyche. Often these disorders are related to arousal and excessive agitation. This may be associated with the absence of satisfactory bonds of affection, insecurity, unfavorable conditions of the environment.
We also consider the cause of diseases and energy imbalances and the difficulties that our world can offer in releasing the creative potential of individuals. Many patients seen by me with these disorders appeared not to have enough energy sources in their subjective existence. They lacked something in their heart to give them the necessary motivation to remain on physiological levels of neurotransmission.
The weakening of the soul is reflected in the chemistry. There is no place for the thought that dividing the biological and the sensitive being: biology and feeling are both physical and tangible linked processes. In the psychiatric clinic, it is also is common to detect deficits of neurotransmitters caused by overuse. In order to match the very high demand generated by the medium, we need to consume huge amounts of our precious energy. We should consider carefully the relationship between standards and values and cultural conditions that influence the production and consumption of psychic energy. In general, we notice the feeling of loneliness is very present in patients.
Many changes have occurred in society and, on the one hand the contemporary individual has gained more freedom, on the other hand the new demands and accelerated pace of life have increased too much. The emotional bonds today tend to be less stable and life does not always occur in a family group or social setting.
There is more competition in the workplace and there the personal bonds are also more uncertain. We have an immensely stimulating and noisy cultural environment, full of easy pleasure on offer and many demands and uncertainties thrown at us. In the end, there were profound changes in man's relationship with his unconscious contents innate or archetypal, of which the modern individual has disbelief and walked away.
This departure from the symbolic life can also play a role in energy and behavioral changes of individuals.Men need their symbols because they represent the constituent forces of the unconscious and the universe. The unconscious is not an inert dimension, is a set of forces that, one way or another, end up influencing the minds individually and collectively. The relationship with this dimension, unconscious but alive, has always existed throughout human history and its suppression or denial does not seem feasible.
Faith is represented by the symbolic, especially man's relationship with the forces that are within themselves as well as in the collective psychic dimension. These forces can be either constructive or destructive. Therefore, there are many reasons for the contemporary man to present emotional and physical symptoms that reflect negatively on their energy balance.
This world we created that seems to tell us constantly run, run, is a crazed and crazy world, full of requirements often exceeding our strengths. As sources of our energy come from all that binds us to life, to love, sense of being loved and accepted, seen and cared for.
It comes from our genuine care for each other, civility and courtesy of relations. It comes when we establish a harmonious relationship with the world and our own nature, rather than trying to modify them in the name of a supposedly more efficient and rational society.
A society where there is no time to exist and feelings often seem mere impediments that must be immediately removed by cold reasoning, and which is always forcing us to accomplish goals.
"You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men", said Charles Chaplin many years ago, predicting the course of events.
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