sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009


The Psychic Energy

Now, we are trying built an evaluation of the human mind as an energetic phenomenon. Using the elements of physics, psychoanalysis, and religious knowledge, it dares to build up some hypothesis about the mind, and its possibilities, adding the empiric knowledge with intuition.
The ancestral knowledge has been put aside for much time, so this piece of work, as many of enormous success nowadays, rescues this search, and has proved that there is less opposition than coincidences among the point of views of these different sources of human knowledge.
The walls fall apart, and science approaches the understanding of the spiritual universe, as well as, the process of human evolution. Rationality, at last, leads us to understand the subjective dimension as a determinant phenomenon of the mysterious special energy, which constitutes an intelligent mind. We can to try answers the worries of the modern man in the search for a new path between blind faith and rational materialism; a decisive contribution for the third millennium mind.
The theme of the text corresponds to the present moment of interior search, and reevaluation of values in the civilized world.
If dogmatic faith does not work anymore, the absolute rationality and materialism do not answer all the questions. The contemporary man looks for a new and clear way, with the opportunity to understand the energetic dynamics of his psyche, and the way it builds up his destiny.
At the same time, we need to think about the possible influences between one mind and another one, and how the time-space line is over passed by psychic phenomena. Regression, mediunity, telepathy, and intuition are mental acts which should be analyzed under the scope of the nature of psychic energy. And we desire to know laws which regulate these phenomena.
The rediscovering of the unconscious, the mind´s potential dimension, which constitutes us, has led to a revolution in behavior and in the mental content of the species. Symptoms of unbalance, as well as enormous potentialities emerge. It is necessary to understand this issue quite well, to know ourselves, and the moment we live in, so it becomes an opportunity for improvement.

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